A safe space for all Kids, ADHD & otherwise, with Auntie Tyan!
Hello there children! Auntie Tyan videos are here! Scroll down & have fun. ;)
Emperor Peapaw & Auntie Tyan request the honour of your presence for "SpiritualiTea Time"!
The mystery lies within, let's go there together.
Chaos to Order and back again, you're gonna get through this & be better for it, my friend.
We do not suffer from insanity: we enjoy it.
Thing 1 and Thing 2 may need to go back into the box, but YOU DON'T...
Don't box yourself in! You're better & more capable than you think.
"Be Kind."Sorry if I make you dizzy! Those gloves don't work with my phone, but, keep 'em on in life and -- if you can't quit hitting yet -- at least be gentle! |
To watch the "No Shame & No Blame" videos click below.(Check out "ADD UP!" on ToNT.oRg for other helpful ADD/ADHD material.)
Friendship & Romance do not create happiness: do not look for it in others.
An ancient mischievous god decided to hide the secret of happiness from all humankind. He would hide it on the peak of the highest mountaintop -- surely no human would look for it there... But then humans began scaling great heights, so, he decided to hide it at the bottom of the ocean only to see the advancement of vessels diving deep into the sea...
Finally the fiendish god thought, "I know! I will hide the secret of happiness where no human would ever think to look for it -- I will hide it within themselves."
And so it goes, to this day, that people search the outside world for happiness, never to find it, not knowing it was within them all along.
-auntie tyan
Be a gift to yourself: Come out of that box and become the person you've always wanted to be!
Love, Auntie Tyan!
...is for every season!
Feeling stuck? Let's get crack-a-lackin'!
The video below is interactive! It's easier to do things while having fun together!
Auntie Tyan needs your help! Pweeze make it fun while getting stuff done, too!
Just because you're given an opportunity to get angry, doesn't mean you have to take it.
Keep looking up! Things really do get better when we do our part.
How to go from...
..."NOT-SO-MAD Hatter!"
Auntie Tyan & Elodie the Bunny show how not to flip your wig!
Anger & ADD are one couple we need to break up! It's frustrating when your mind doesn't behave the way you want it to, but, anger is just powerlessness REALLY, REALLY loud. You are not powerless: You can make a positive change for yourself -- it's not going to be easy -- but you're worth fighting for!
Sleep is a special place! Let's go, Auntie Tyan!
Auntie Tyan sings a lullaby!
Goodnight angels, bedtime.
Goodnight angels, bedtime.
Goals & ADD? Not so much.
(listen to the kwazy hat lady)
Life can be a wild circus, but you can be your ringmaster! With help & time you can tame impulses that hurt you into ones that serve you... It starts by forgiving past mistakes and loving yourself as YOU ARE NOW because YOU ARE WHAT YOU'RE BECOMING and YOU ARE gonna get you through this!
Things about me! |
Change your attitude about who you are and real magic happens! The more happy thoughts you entertain, the more happy moments you create! Bad stuff can only trick you into believing it's real. Truth is you're bigger and better than your past and have the magical power to create your future. Real magic is hard to master but totally worth it!
I am proud to be different, face my struggles, and express my individuality. ADD/ADHD is tough but I'M TOUGHER.
That place of love is inside of you and is always there! It's a magical place where all happiness & wisdom reign and you are its Princes or Princesses. When you go to that place of love inside all is well --no matter what's happening around you-- it can never be disturbed or taken away. It's yours eternally & is the real you.
Your Magic Wonder Dreamland Palace is Within You!
When you look for little wins you make life a game and you win the game of life!
What are some of your little wins today? Please let me know, I would like to hear them.
Confidence is not "they will like me." Confidence is "I'll be fine if they don't."
The more you like who you are, the more you'll like others, and the more they'll like you in turn. Some will never like you no matter what, and that's okay with you, too! It's about putting as much love out there as you can because you have love within: because you & Spirit are more than enough on your own.
Hang in there!
A happy season is on the way!
(To quote John Wooden, we also recognize the value of a valid commendation, so, Cheers 2U!)
It doesn't have to be perfect, and you don't have to get it all done!
If you have ADD/ADHD remember: IT DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU FINISH! Just get going!
What could you do now if you weren't so convinced you couldn't?
The other day I gave my new puppy a large rawhide that he attempted to take through the doggie door but couldn't quite maneuver with the unwieldy chew in his mouth.
After several attempts he dropped his treat on the floor. I opened the french door beckoning him to come out but he stayed put, staring at me.
I handed him the rawhide again but he let it fall from his mouth and sat down... Then it hit me! He didn't think he could make it through the big door with his chew toy because he'd just failed to make it through the doggie door!
Shaking my head at this silly dog, I tossed the rawhide outside and he quickly bounced out after it, happily landing and chomping down on his prize with gusto.
As I watched him I mused how often we behave the same way: how when we fail we quit trying, or believe we can't do something -- even when circumstances change and before us lies a door formerly closed now wide open -- ready for us to pass through, if we would but open our minds, too.
What could you do now if you didn't think you couldn't? If you let go of the past?
BTW, after a little while, I saw this tenacious puppy try again and this time he successfully navigated the doggie door with his extra large treat...
He forgot! He forgot about how he couldn’t do it before and, living in the moment, gave it another go and did it! What do you need to rethink? What do you need to forget?
After several attempts he dropped his treat on the floor. I opened the french door beckoning him to come out but he stayed put, staring at me.
I handed him the rawhide again but he let it fall from his mouth and sat down... Then it hit me! He didn't think he could make it through the big door with his chew toy because he'd just failed to make it through the doggie door!
Shaking my head at this silly dog, I tossed the rawhide outside and he quickly bounced out after it, happily landing and chomping down on his prize with gusto.
As I watched him I mused how often we behave the same way: how when we fail we quit trying, or believe we can't do something -- even when circumstances change and before us lies a door formerly closed now wide open -- ready for us to pass through, if we would but open our minds, too.
What could you do now if you didn't think you couldn't? If you let go of the past?
BTW, after a little while, I saw this tenacious puppy try again and this time he successfully navigated the doggie door with his extra large treat...
He forgot! He forgot about how he couldn’t do it before and, living in the moment, gave it another go and did it! What do you need to rethink? What do you need to forget?
Now is a New Day, Be New with it!