"Enjoy the View"
Silence. What about it makes so many uncomfortable? Why is there an incessant urge to fill it up, to interrupt it, to do anything other than face it? Many of us have become numb in the plethora of options available (technological and otherwise) and have become so used to those options (distractions) we think the unrest accompanying it must be normal, natural, even. It is, however, this very discordance with nature that brings about unrest. |
It’s not what we’re doing that’s the problem: it’s what we’re doing that keeps us from what we should we be doing. Namely, that we must face what lies within and obliterate the obstructions keeping us from that promised land of exaltation that is our inner universe, with its roads resplendent & dripping of honey and wine.
If there is a great instructor on how to get there — how to grab hold of the stubborn beast that is habit and force it to ride toward that glorious destination — it is nature herself. As we have sheltered ourselves, in the advancement of every kind of comfort, we have lived better than most kings and queens of former epochs, and in the process severed our connection with what would inform us to move forward with equanimity. We have made convenience our god and having done so, have forgotten the sanctity of quiet, how it can only be accessed within; and that this mystery, beautiful and expansive, is sung unto us daily, hourly, in every moment of the eternal timeless now that the natural world reflects and does not question. So, if we need a view, If we need this reminder why should we not have it? |
Once we have recalibrated our bearings we are meant to carry forth this tight and humming engine of harmony into the rest of our lives, for, we have contained within us every boon manifest in nature (being of it and it being of God) and should no longer require a majestic twilight show, a ponderous mountain view, a perspicacious dawn (or whatever spectacle gracing our earth we may be blessed to witness) to stir our primordial sense of wonder. Awe and reverence will at last be ours as a way of life. (We never should have left it.) But you must discover, and finally accept, that it resides within. The silence speaks and is more exhilaratingly profound than can be imagined. How foolish to doubt, deny, fight or struggle against the awesome creation of nature that we all, in truth, are. "Numberless are the worlds wonders, but none more wonderful than man." -Sophocles |
“When we lose these woods, we lose our soul. Not simply as individuals, but as a people.” - Kevin Walker
“Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth.”
- Henry David Thoreau
"Spunky Cuttlefish"

Having experienced cuttlefish from an epicurean standpoint since childhood, what a happy surprise it was to find out how quirky they are; both funny and intelligent (traits usually keeping company — have you noticed?). There’s always exceptions to the rule in life and, in the oceans, cuttlefish are a rare and delightful type of occupant. They’re not found in the Americas, but leave it to the West to discover how smart they are and, bizarrely adorable, too!
Their sizable brains evolved (they’ve no hard shell for protection) ensuring propagation of the species, but, they are by no means dull! Cuttlefish are spellbinding — literally. Big-time entertainers, they treat more challenging prey to impressions of hovering 3-pronged spaceships, while simultaneously projecting a dazzling light show from their skin rivaling a Vegas marquee. Hypnotized by the undulating looming spectacle, the victim crab or lobster is paralyzed (with awe?) and the flashy fish strikes — dinner and a show!
Their sizable brains evolved (they’ve no hard shell for protection) ensuring propagation of the species, but, they are by no means dull! Cuttlefish are spellbinding — literally. Big-time entertainers, they treat more challenging prey to impressions of hovering 3-pronged spaceships, while simultaneously projecting a dazzling light show from their skin rivaling a Vegas marquee. Hypnotized by the undulating looming spectacle, the victim crab or lobster is paralyzed (with awe?) and the flashy fish strikes — dinner and a show!
Cuttlefish have remarkable skin: to say the least. It can alter to match surroundings of all colors, stripes, and textures -- a hyper-camouflage. One cuttlefish named, Bubbles (permanent guest of some venerated research institution of higher learning), was housed in a tank with a checkerboard patterned floor and her skin created a black square on its back to match (a decorator’s dream pet)! For all of the hoopla about standing out in the world, sometimes we forget how nice it is to fit in -- and artfully at that: there are times for both.
During mating season, cuttlefish let it all hang out, not even bothering to blend in. En masse males preen, competing in full splendor, puffing and wrestling to prove their genetic worth. Females are choosy and generally unimpressed by such displays. This might leave Darwinists confused, but, here’s where the fun part comes in: Cuttlefish might be a brainy bunch -- but some are more clever than others -- while the big boys are busy flexing, the less physically endowed males show off their mental assets... |
...The real “players” utilize their gifts to glide by the others, while appearing non-threatening and therefore much more welcomed by the ladies. These boys dress in drag. The smaller males make their skin appear like the females’ and slip by undetected, often, ahem, ‘accepted’ and departing without ever being noticed. They are 30% more likely to pass their genes along to the next generation than the traditionalists who don’t let their “freak flag fly.” What a terrific reminder that survival of the fittest also means the smartest.

People can resent limitation, but take a lesson from the cuttlefish: When it isn’t easy you get creative. Often the most innovative and compelling great works are born of necessity. Embrace what IS available to you and a whole realm of possibility emerges more effective than if all your dreams were granted and everything handed to you at once. Propellant moxie goes much further than mere resources alone. Focusing on what's missing is misplaced energy, for - sometimes the best prayers are unanswered ones - especially when we find out what we’re made of and triumph in the process.
Of the millions of eggs destined to be fully grown cuttlefish, only a small percentage will live to light up the oceans or make it to your dinner plate. Ideas are like that: only a few are meant to hatch and grow, even then some won’t make it very far. They’re not meant to... Never feel like a failure because you aren’t as prolific as you desire, or haven’t seen some of your dreams manifest. It’s a numbers game! The more you try, the more you increase the odds something special will be born and flourish — and it will. (Sometimes your efforts won't be seen or understood by others. No worries! YOU know the work you're putting in.)
Some researchers wonder why a creature with such a limited lifespan (about 2 years) should have such capacity for thought. Why not? It doesn’t matter when you achieve, when your visions come to fruition, when you arrive at your destination! It’s all about NOW that counts. You’re meant to share, love, and leave something meaningful to the world, but, at the same time, enjoy your odd quirks and eccentricities, too!
No matter what you do, try to remember our little friends the cuttlefish: May you be as funky and have as much fun while you go and light it up! |
"When all seems lost we find the love of Spirit, then discover Spirit is all that was all along."
A Buddhist Metaphysician's take on the man that is called "Jesus." |
We hear so much about the man that is called Jesus (TMTICJ), especially during the Holidays, we thought some clarification would be appreciated or, at least be stimulating.
Let's get to it. The man that is called Jesus (for that was not his real name) resurrected. What exactly does that mean? It means he is STILL ALIVE. It means he is MORE ALIVE than you and I, because he earned the right to evolve into a being not restricted by physical laws, because he embraced a higher set of laws fully as his own, meaning he was/is a child of God, knew it, and accepted it. (I guess you could also call him, "Mr. Unification Theory".... I mean, "Mr. Unification Reality.") The reason that Christmas is such a special celebration, positively affecting individuals whether religious-oriented or otherwise, is that TMTICJ is really our "cosmic all-star." He "made it." He arrived. He's batting for Earth, and we celebrate him for a season (not just a day) every year, because he's OUR HERO. You don't have to think of him as "the savior." (And the real Jesus is super-cool so he would actually prefer you think of him as "down to Earth" because he is ALL FOR EARTH! This is his world -- and it makes you feel kind of sorry for him -- I mean: look at the place.) The REAL Jesus wouldn't want you worshipping him: he even said so. Of course, people ignore what he wanted, and decided to interpret his life and words according to their understanding for their benefit. He emphasized his teaching and was concerned that people would confuse him with the message. He, like anyone "on the ball," wanted you to forget all about HIM, the personality, because it's a-do-it-yourself world. |
Why is this important? Because even Jesus can't do your part for you. He knew this. He knows this. He wouldn't want to -- why would such a terrific person want to take your opportunity from you? He relied on God (Christ meaning God in man as man) because TMTICJ had doubts he had to wrestle and cast down as well. He knew what was ahead and he knew it wasn't going to be easy. Who would be thrilled about having to die the way he did? Yet, he accepted this path for a very special reason...
His dying on the cross was necessary. His very violent and public death was the proof needed to see that he, that WE, could transcend death: the ultimate proof of the stuff we're really made of... His dying on the cross was necessary, but, it was not THE POINT. People who make his suffering THE POINT are completely missing THE POINT.
But, I won't argue this point b/c if TMTICJ’s message of love remains ignored so people can participate in a pathos/pageant of suffering, then they're certainly not going to listen to little ole' me! However, that is their right and choice, and an understandable one at that: It's easier to identify with a negative. It's much harder to accept that we're powerful beings & co-creators of our lives. For, who then, are we to blame?
His dying on the cross was necessary. His very violent and public death was the proof needed to see that he, that WE, could transcend death: the ultimate proof of the stuff we're really made of... His dying on the cross was necessary, but, it was not THE POINT. People who make his suffering THE POINT are completely missing THE POINT.
But, I won't argue this point b/c if TMTICJ’s message of love remains ignored so people can participate in a pathos/pageant of suffering, then they're certainly not going to listen to little ole' me! However, that is their right and choice, and an understandable one at that: It's easier to identify with a negative. It's much harder to accept that we're powerful beings & co-creators of our lives. For, who then, are we to blame?
It's also easier to worship someone outside of ourselves and want them to be responsible for us. Finally, it's especially easy to attempt to control life and our hereafter by creating a simplistic theological loophole. Way? Truth? Life? Is Jesus merely a toll collector on the highway to heaven? Does he stand guard saying, "Believe in me and you get to pass go and collect $200?" (Seriously -- who would have time for such nonsense?) When he said, "No one comes to the Father except through me," (which is an interpretation, from at least one other language, of a quotation, from a man who lived, died, then lived again roughly 3-500 years before it was written); do you think he was playing some kind of cosmic Red Rover with your eternal soul?
Could it possibly have meant that he is an example? That the way to grow is universal though there are many paths? Could it possibly be that magnanimous, simple, reasonable, or logical? Yes, yes, 4 times Yes. Eternal life is already yours. It's also up to you to make it heavenly -- or let it resemble that OTHER place so famously wielded and hanging like Damocles' sword over the faithful and fear-filled by self-anointed and proclaimed authorities.
Could it possibly have meant that he is an example? That the way to grow is universal though there are many paths? Could it possibly be that magnanimous, simple, reasonable, or logical? Yes, yes, 4 times Yes. Eternal life is already yours. It's also up to you to make it heavenly -- or let it resemble that OTHER place so famously wielded and hanging like Damocles' sword over the faithful and fear-filled by self-anointed and proclaimed authorities.
Get this: Jesus did not die for your sins. He's got nothing to do with your sins. Your sins are your problem. TMTICJ knows what sins are -- just stuff for you to fix. To sin means to "miss the mark." He just wants you to keep improving your aim in life until you get it right. Just like he did.
He's the kind of person who thinks, "If I can do it -- anybody can!" and means it. He never said he was coming back (in his way he never left). We didn't listen to what he had to say then -- we can't even get that right -- why would he come back just to be ignored all over again? He's got LOTS of better things to do. He said what he needed to say and now it's up to us as a culture, a society, a world to implement those words and create heaven right here on Earth. (BTW, this means you.)
TMTICJ came here to live a perfect life. People are always misinterpreting his actions according to their level of awareness. For example, he did NOT get ticked off at the temple. He took time to braid the whip, while getting mad is quick and out of control. What he did was deliberate to teach them a lesson. He was not the Italian depiction, all wussy and sallow looking. He was vibrant & kicked a--. He came to bring not peace, but a SWORD! He came to fight for what was right and he knew he was in for the fight of his life.
He's the kind of person who thinks, "If I can do it -- anybody can!" and means it. He never said he was coming back (in his way he never left). We didn't listen to what he had to say then -- we can't even get that right -- why would he come back just to be ignored all over again? He's got LOTS of better things to do. He said what he needed to say and now it's up to us as a culture, a society, a world to implement those words and create heaven right here on Earth. (BTW, this means you.)
TMTICJ came here to live a perfect life. People are always misinterpreting his actions according to their level of awareness. For example, he did NOT get ticked off at the temple. He took time to braid the whip, while getting mad is quick and out of control. What he did was deliberate to teach them a lesson. He was not the Italian depiction, all wussy and sallow looking. He was vibrant & kicked a--. He came to bring not peace, but a SWORD! He came to fight for what was right and he knew he was in for the fight of his life.
What people don't often realize is that TMTICJ, yes, even he -- especially he -- needed help. Why do you think he went to pray so often? (It wasn't only to get away from the disciples for some "Jesus" time.) He had a mission of such proportions to accomplish that he definitely needed help to do it: We all do. So remember, asking for help and needing help aren't to be ashamed of, but both human AND divine and no great work gets done without it!
Above all, TMTICJ has a terrific sense of humor and would be the first to laugh with Ricky Gervais tweeted: "Remember kids, if you don't sin, then Jesus died for nothing." When you're above it all you can afford to be amused, and when you're living eternally you have all the time in the world to wait for its inhabitants to evolve. Meanwhile, he'll just keep rockin' it like he did in life as we know it; and in the unlimited life he knows now; one we can all look forward to living when we, too, have earned the right to it.
Above all, TMTICJ has a terrific sense of humor and would be the first to laugh with Ricky Gervais tweeted: "Remember kids, if you don't sin, then Jesus died for nothing." When you're above it all you can afford to be amused, and when you're living eternally you have all the time in the world to wait for its inhabitants to evolve. Meanwhile, he'll just keep rockin' it like he did in life as we know it; and in the unlimited life he knows now; one we can all look forward to living when we, too, have earned the right to it.